The compact cable fault location system, Syscompact 4000, is used for the prelocation and pin-pointing of faults on low- and medium-voltage cables.
Thanks to the novel operational concept and the integrated location methods, cable
fault location with Syscompact 4000 is faster and easier. The high-performance
industrial PC and improved measurement parameters allow for a precise cable fault
location in all cable types.
The system can be equipped with different surge voltage generators SSG 1100,
SSG 1500* or SSG 2100*. The surge voltage generators have an automatic surge
mode, thereby also allowing the Syscompact 4000 to be used for acoustic pinpointing.
Thanks to its compact design, the Syscompact 4000 is easy to transport and is also
suitable for installation in any small van with a payload of 300 to 500 kg
Compact and multifunctional
↗ Precise and dependable cable fault location
↗ High-performance surge voltage generator
↗ Precise fault location methods for every type of fault